Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Warcraft Hints

So now that there are more high level characters in Liquid Courage we officers would like to alleviate some confusion that some guild members may be having regarding how strict they are finding high level instance runs.

So what do I mean by “strict”? Due to the intense nature of the high level instances, the time it takes to complete the instance, and the increase in loot drops, the party or raid must be very organized with everyone understanding and performing their role in the party. This organization is necessary and it is up to the RAID leader or manager to ensure that everyone is following the guide lines identified below. No one wants to be in an instance where the party is regularly getting wiped (killed) because people cannot follow directions. If you have not experienced this yet let me tell you it is not fun!

We already started to do a lot of high level instances and we want everyone to enjoy them as they really are a lot of fun! So please read the information below so you will be better prepared to enter high level instances.

Some terms for you to know:

* RAID/Party Leader: The person with the overall responsibility of the RAID. Adds removes players, organizing each party, and gives general commands. This person is the leader and they have the FINAL word on any disputes.
* RAID Boss: Person directing the raid. Basically this may or may not be the RAID Leader , could be the person with the most knowledge regarding the instance.
* Loot Master: Controls the looting of rolled items. Ensures everyone understands the Loot rules before RAID begins. Controls rolling and clearly identifies winners!
* MT: Main Tank. Normally a Warrior with overall responsible for holding as much agro as possible; character will be running/ attacking as many enemies as possible. Unless otherwise specified by RAID leader or MT this person normally is responsible for pulling.
* MA: Main Assist. Hits a single target until it is dead. Takes on high threat targets. Depending on size of party/raid there could be more than one.
* AOE: Area of Effect. High close damage dealt by Mages, Warlocks, and Hunters; usually a Mage. Note: Warriors should make every effort should be made to pull the aggro off of the caster while they are casting AOE. Priests may need to shield caster and be ready to provide strong heals.
CC = Crowd control. For example Polymorph, SAP (Rogue Attack), Traps, Sleep, etc…
* PAT: Patrol coming

ADD: Additional Enemies attacking or incoming
* BUFF: Command to stop party so everyone groups up and receives party buffs. Move close together!
* DRINK: lets the party know to wait for mana drinkers to refill their mana reserve. No one should pull during this time until everyone in the party is ready.

If you have any questions about the following then get with an LC Officer:


* Follow all instructions from RAID and Loot Leader as well as the RAID Boss.
* Be sure to follow the instructions from the designated puller; this may or may not be the MT.
* Communicate in Party or RAID chat. “/raid” or “/party”.
* Read and understand the Loot Rules from the link on home page of guild website.
* Stand next to body or chest when rolling for an item. The Loot Master must see your roll for it to count.
* Feel free to type “STOP” if you need to stop party movement or communicate concern.
* Stick with the group.
* Stay aware of the immediate area. There are many times rooms are skipped or enemies are in adjacent room. Wandering, backing up in combat, or casting fear could cause a party to be wiped.
* Dismiss Pet when jumping off ledges. Nothing worse than a pet dragging ton of enemies to easily wipe the party…..you will not be making many friends this way.
* Add a macro assist the MA using “/assist”. Ask Raid Leader for more info.


* Do not get in front of the MT when walking into regions. The MT is the guide.
* Do not pull enemies. Let the MT (or designated puller) do their job.
* Do not loot in combat. Wait until all enemies are dead before jumping on corpses.
* Do not open chests or crates w/o asking permission. Most chests will be rolled on and in many cases in high level instances there will be a trap or monster spawn when something is opened. Dwarves are great for identifying actual treasures.
* DO NOT roll on BOP even if it is an item set. (There are very few exceptions to this rule but will be covered by Loot Master prior to RAID. For example: Fair Cards, Corrupter Stones in Scholomance and Strathome.)
* Do not explore on your own!
* Argue in RAID or party chat. You have a problem with something in the way the instance is going then contact the Officer or Guild Leader in private chat.

Please remember that if you have any problems in instance runs with LC members be sure to contact an LC Officer as soon as possible. If possible have some screenshots of player's dialogues if necessary.

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