Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Quickstart Beginner Guide

Quick Start Information

In-Game Help System! - If you are new to the game, we recommend you take advantage of the in-game help system. By clicking on the flashing exclamation mark icon that appears at the bottom of your screen, you can learn about the basic elements of the game such as starting quests, initiating combat, and training your character.

If you should have any questions about anything on your interface, hold your mouse over the item to bring up a tool tip box with information on the relevant item.
To move in the game world, use the arrow keys or the WASD keys on your keyboard. You can adjust your character's view by using your mouse.
If you encounter an object, monster, or character that you can interact with, your mouse pointer will turn into an icon that will indicate that you can do so.
To select an object, monster, or character, left-click it. To interact with it, right-click it.

Read Your Manual!

We highly suggest you take the time to read your World of Warcraft manual. It was written for new users and contains many things not mentioned in this guide.

Logging into the Game

Now that you have created your account, you can enter the game and begin playing. Once you start the game, you will be prompted to read and agree to our Terms of Use Agreement and End User License Agreement. At the log in screen, enter the account name and password that you chose when you created your account.

I read the entire thing word for word, honest!

Select Your Realm

First you need to select your realm (also known as a "server"). You will need to contact your friends and pick the same realm so that you can all play together; characters on different realms cannot play with each other.

To learn more about what types of realms are available, visit our Realm Type Guide.

Once you log in, you can create a character for yourself by choosing your race, appearance, and class. To learn more about classes before making your decision, visit our World of Warcraft Class Guide.

Choose the realm you wish to play on.

Horde vs. Alliance

In the world of Azeroth, the Horde and the Alliance are opposing factions locked in a struggle for control of the land - and neither side is backing down. Horde and Alliance players can battle each other, but they are unable to group together, trade, or even talk to each other. Thus, if you wish to play with your friends, make sure you select races that belong to the same faction.

You can create both Horde and Alliance characters in a Normal realm, although they will be subject to the same restrictions such as not being able to mail something from an Alliance character to a Horde character that you both own. On Player vs. Player realms however, you can only create characters from one of the two factions.

Horde Races:

Alliance Races:

Blood Elves

Night Elves
Creating Your Character

The first step in creating your character is to choose his or her race, gender, and class. It's a good idea to do some research before making this choice, either by reading your manual, clicking the class and race links above, or both - one's race and class are the defining traits of your character. The gender of your character on the other hand is purely a cosmetic feature and has no impact on that character's abilities or statistics.

Customize Your Appearance

You can customize various aspects of your character's appearance. All characters will have selectable hairstyles, hair colors, and skin colors. Other features such as facial markings, earrings, horns, and facial hair will be specific to certain race and gender combinations.

If you find this takes too much time, simply click the "randomize" button to randomize your character's appearance. You can continue to push this button until you are satisfied with the results.

Choose a Name

The name you choose will represent you to everyone you meet in Azeroth, so choose wisely! Be aware of the naming policy so that you do not risk penalties such as having to rename your character.

Once you've picked your name, your character will be ready to begin his or her adventuring career. Click the "Enter World" button to enter the World of Warcraft!

A Note on Dying

She looks vaguely familiar...
It is more than likely that at some point in your adventuring career, your character will meet an untimely demise. However, in World of Warcraft character death has no lasting consequences. You will immediately be able to release your spirit as a ghost, at which point you will be transported to a nearby graveyard. As a ghost, you must run back to the vicinity of your corpse to revive yourself. Your minimap will display an arrow pointing towards your corpse, as well as back towards the graveyard if you get lost.

Paging a Game Master (GM)

If you need assistance at any time while you are in the game, do not hesitate to contact a Game Master (GM). Our team of GMs are available to assist you with a wide range of problems and issues you may encounter. To contact a GM, follow these simple steps:

Click on the "Request Help" button on the Interface Panel at the bottom of your screen. It's the one that looks like a red question mark (?).

Select the "Issues that GMs can Assist With" button.

Choose a category that encompasses your problem.

Type in your problem and click Submit.

A ticket will appear on your screen. A GM will contact you shortly thereafter to help you resolve your situation.

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