Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hunter's Guide: Pets

Pets Armor:

Pets Hp:

Taming Owls:
Until you get to level 48, the only Owls available are the ones in the elven starting area. Getting one of those with a Horde character is doable, but will take several hours and a LOT of deaths. In theory, you can get one at level 10, but the higher you get, the easier it will be to get there. In other words, you can make up for the longer pet leveling time by getting there faster if you are a higher level. Mid teens is probably the ideal level to go.

Before starting, either put your equipment in the bank or make sure you have sufficient inventory space to put everything you have equipped into your inventory. This will save the loss of durability to your items that will happen from the multiple deaths and the spirit resurrection at the end. You might also want to bring a stack of low-end meat to feed your Owl as soon as he is tamed.

Start from Crossroads and follow the road north. Once you cross into the Ashenvale zone, you should turn on Beast tracking. As you start heading north, keep an eye to both your left for Elementals and your right for Slimes. They don't usually wander to the road, but they might get close enough to aggro you. Continue north on the road until it forks, then turn left. You will continue on this road about halfway across the zone. There are level 21+ bears that wander onto the road occasionally, so keep your eyes open. Once you approach the city of Astranaar look for a valley that dips down to your right. There will usually be a couple of 20+ spiders here that you need to get past. You are going to follow this around the lake (watch for the bear that sometimes hangs out mid-way around). Once you are around the lake, you'll meet up with the main road again -- follow that all the way into the Darkshore zone. Follow the road about halfway up the Darkshore zone until you see the town of Auberdine on your left.

Your goal in Auberdine is to get on the boat to Darnasus. There are two boats here -- the one you want is on the right side as you face Auberdine from the main road you came in on. You will be killed frequently here -- the goal is to resurrect yourself closer and closer to the boat until finally you can resurrect yourself on the boat. You can avoid a couple of deaths by going down to the water on the left, and swimming around to the other side of the building the dock connects to. Run up into the building and head for the docks. You'll probably be killed before you reach the docks, and will appear at a graveyard a ways north of Auberdine. Run down in spirit form, rez as far away from your body and as close to the boat as you can make it and immediately start running. Once you get to where you die near the boat, you can come back in spirit form, wait for the boat to show up, cross into the boat in spirit form and go downstairs to resurrect. (Note: an alternate strategy is to swim under one of the boats, deliberatey have a sea monster kill you underneath, then return to the boat hold in ghost form before rezzing) Give yourself 30-60 seconds, then ease up top to see if you are moving. If you are moving, you are safe. Note that this boat does not cross any zones, so you won't switch to an overview map. It's important that you get up to the left side of the boat and watch for the landing dock. You need to jump into the water and swim to shore just before the boat reaches the dock.

You are now in a village outside of Darnasus. You need to skirt to the left of the building you see. Once behind the building you will see a pink glowing portal with two guards. Your goal is to make it through that pink portal. You can try using a disposable pet to distract the guards, but they will kill it in one or two hits. Chances are you will be killed just shy of the portal and will find yourself all the way back at the graveyard north of Auberdine. Not a problem -- just run back to the docks in spirit form and take the boat across. This time you can wait for the boat to dock. Get as close to the portal as you can, rez and instantly run for the portal. You will either die going through, or immediately on the other side in the capital. If you make it through the portal before dying, then when you release your spirit, you will appear at a graveyard at Dolanaar.

Instead of running back, you are going to have the Spirit Healer rez you. Before you do, look around to spot where the guards are -- because they may aggro you the moment the spirit rez's you. Rez and run away from the guards. If you get away, then you are home free. It's a good idea to check your PvP flag at this point -- while most of the alliance around will be lower then you, you will have rez sickness and be without armor, so they could easily kill you. If you are flagged, find a bush to hide behind, and wait out your flag timer. Now look for the road heading west towards Darnasus. Follow that road until it crosses a bridge. On your left will be level 7-8 Owls which you can tame that will not come with Claw. If you go past the hut on your right and follow that road, you will find 9-10 Owls that do come with Claw. Tame whichever you want and hearthstone out with your new pet.

Taming an LBRS Worg:
All in all, through trial and much error, it took me about three hours to tame the infamous worgs of LBRS, you can certainly do it much quicker though. But there weren't many guildies on to form a LBRS raid and I've been in too many bad pug's lately so thought I'd attempt it solo. My estimated time it would take to do this solo if you follow the below steps is 30-40 minutes.

You will need:

* 3 lesser Invisibility Pots (10 min cooldown) -or- i recommend...
* 1 Lesser Invisibility Pot & 2 Greater Invisibility Pots (Why? They're on different cooldown timers, they share the same potion timer, but that's only like 2-3 min i think) This assorment of potions allows you to move sooner rather than wait the full 10 min between each pot.
* 1 Major Heal Pot
* 1 Trash Pet (Recommend something that inherently comes with screech for the aoe)
Recommended but not NEEDED:
* Anything that boosts your armor, but be mindful of anything that screws with your potion timers.
* Bandages/Food....
* Extra potions for mishaps

Step 1: Entrance Area
Wait til the pat is out of sight and there are just 2 guards to your right. Lay freeze trap and then conc shot either one. The one that's not frozen, scatter shot or wing clip and then run up the stairs, and jump off the ledge to the ramp below.

Step 2: Ramp Room
This room has a 2 guard pat, 4 humanoids & 2 low 50s Worgs that are stationary. When the pat goes up under the left doorway, make a b-line for the other doorway. When you exit that hall way, hug the wall to the right and drop down onto that first ledge. Then drop down to the next ledge that's just above and at the end of Orc Village.

Step 3: Orc Village
Be mindful of a 1 guard pat here. This area is kinda L shaped. I typically jump down at the end of the village and bandage up, making sure the pat has passed. Here's where i get rdy to use my first potion. If you have the greater ones get it rdy, if you bought just the lessers, that's fine too. Inch your way closer to the village til you feel your still somewhat safe from aggro. Hit Aspect of the Beast..... pop your invisibilty potion and run right down the center of the village. As you approach the end of the that first straight way, you'll see the wall ahead is empty of any mobs.... that's your goal. Once you reach it,it's about here your potion runs out. Hug that wall and straight ahead of you are 3 orcs huddled around a fire. I ran right through them and up the ramp a tiny bit and FD'd. This effectively puts you in the Spider Room.

Step 4: The Spider Room
Pop up, you're safe here. Wait for your invisibility timer on the potion to refresh (2-3 min if you got both types, 10 if you have all of the same kind).... I personally think this is the hardest part. Same as before, aspect of cheetah.... then potion up and run through the spider room....... i've never been able to get through the whole room on 1 potion. FD before the last set of spiders. Watchout for the 1 lone spider pat here. Pop up when it's clear, wait for FD Cooldown, summon your trash pet. Sick your pet on the last group of spiders and run through them while your pet bravely performs the role of cannon fodder. FD at the doorway, welcome to the Ogre Room, this room also is known to contain the Warlord's Docs.... so keep that in mind should u need them later.

Step 5: The Ogre Room
Easiest Part imo. 1 lone Ogre grunt pat. Wait for potion timer..... cheetah up. Get close to the ogres. Hit potion and make a sharp left into the hallway with the insects. Go to the end of the hall way and FD. Lie here until you see the pat come out the doorway, it'll be an 57 elite orc with 2 worgs., it happens to be the pat you've done all this work for. Once that pat has left, hit Beast Tracking and watch where they go. I'd recommend you monitor the path they take for a bit. Move through the doorway once they've passed by.

Step 6: The Taming of the Worg
Get your trash pet out. Once the pat has safely passed. Move through the doorway and into the hallway the pat patrols. As the pat is on it's way back towards you. Lay a freeze trap. Basically at this point you do this. Kill one of the worgs first. FD, let them kill your pet. When pat passes, pop up, rez pet. And do again, trap the dog.... solo the elite with your trash pet. It's likely you'll pull aggro. That's what the heal pot is for. Use your own judgement at this point. You may wish to fd and then keep healing your pet... in that case you may want to have a mana pot ready so you can do more heals. After elite is dead, FD, pop up, dismiss pet, freeze trap the worg and tame away.

Misc Tips:
On Step 6, its most ideal if the worg is in front of the orc so the worg hits the trap first. If this isn't the case and your orc is in front of your worg, you can do this to remedy it. As the pat approaches you lay an icetrap. When the orc hits the trap hit FD. For whatever reason, this seems to change their ordering in the pat. (least it did for me)

If you're an engineer you can using your cloaking device to replace one of the potions.
some people mention using Rocket Boots + Invisibility potion which rockets you through not only the Orc Village but apparently the Spider room as well. Well worth it if you're an engineer!
If you are unfamiliar with LBRS, i'd suggest getting a high lvl cat with prowl as your trash pet. This will allow you to Eyes of the Beast/Prowl around so you get comfortable with your surroundings/where to go.

Solo Taming the Zul'Gurub Bloodseeker Bat:
With a combination of Feign Death and a disposable pet, it is possible to get one of these things solo. I will be running it through the paces, after which I'll do a bit of a write up on it here. ...Invite some random person into your group. When you have someone who is willing to sit in your group for a bit, just convert the group to raid. Two people are all you need to make a raid. Your helper doesn't even have to come to the instance. Just being in a raid is all you need. ... I had never been in there, so I really had no idea what I was doing. I had read on the official boards that there were bats somewhere to the left of the entrance. Basically, I went between two groups of mobs and jumped into the water. I was being as careful as I could about not aggroing those stupid fish (which did kill me several times). On one particular run, I made it to land without a fish eating me. I went up a bit of a hill, and there was a bridge. Across the bridge and to the left, there were two bats. They were NOT elite. I placed a Freezing Trap and started to tame one, and both came. Basically, I tanked one of them while the other one was trapped the whole time I was taming it. When the taming finished, I was nearly dead, the new pet was unhappy and had no abilities, and that second bat killed me. But, I mean, I had it, so it didn't matter.

1) Get a level 59-60 trash pet. I used a bird for the AOE taunt ability.

2) Get a stack of invis potions and a stack of extra food. Pick up a stack of fruit for the bat also.

3) Take off your gear, turn on beast tracking.

4) From the entrance, turn left. Move onto the platform. Wait for two snake roamers to pass.

5) You will see two stationary snakes and two stationary Trolls near the water as you face left.

6) Look past those mobs and you will see a waterfall with a big stone in the middle. That is your first safe spot.

7) This is where things get tough and you must have some luck to succeed. Send your sacrifical lamb into the mobs, attacking the middle Troll. Use intimidate if you have it. Follow your pet down the hill far enough away so that he gets all aggro. The mobs will kill your pet in about 3 seconds so make good time. As soon as you are out of aggro range FD. The mobs will have already turned on you at this point and you can expect to get hit with at least one axe throw and one poison spit. The snakes also execute when you are at low life- but if they do you have done something wrong they should not be close enough to execute you. Timing is everything.

8) As soon as you are sure aggro is gone, pop up and go sit on the big rock. This is a safe spot. Rez your pet and rest up.

9) From the rock you can see crocs down below. Put your pet on defensive. You want to jump into the water and swim to the closest point possible that you can get up on the shoreline. The gators will not aggro unless you have gone too far. If you get aggro from a fish, get up onto the shore asap then FD.

10) Hug the wall and head up the trail. The trail is safe.

11) This is the trickiest part... there are about 7 groups of roaming mobs in this area. You must time things almost perfectly. Weave your way through them and get to the other side. You will now be next to a wall that takes a left and goes up a hill. On the hill are spiders and tigers with Troll handlers. There are no safe spots in this area so you must keep moving and FD if necessary.

12) Move past "Spider Hill" and go to the wall in front of you. Keep the wall on your right shoulder and go all the way to it's end. Jump / run up it and you can get onto the wall. The wall will take you around to the bridge with the bats next to it. If you fall off the wall use an Invis potion and run for it. Once you get to the bridge you are safe.

13) Spend a few minutes watching roamers to get the timing down. Buff up and equip your gear. Make sure your buttons are all handy-- you don't want to mess up and do the sneaking part again.

14) Position your trash pet about half-way down the bridge and put it on Stay. Drop an ice trap near the top of the bridge. Shoot the nearest bat with Conc shot, then turn and run back to your pet. Kill the extra bat then abandon your lamb. These hit very hard and if you don't have Beast talents it will be a very tough fight. FYI these bats do a knock-back that clears aggro and you are fighting on a narrow bridge. It is not easy. If you have any problems FD and try it again. You DO NOT want to have to sneak back to the bridge again.

15) Tame your new baby. Make sure you have Monkey up and don't use health potions. If you get low on life just FD and try again. Hope this helps. There is no way you can do this in 5 minutes. Don't go into this expecting anything but a long PITA. It took me 2.5 hours and about 10 deaths to get my bat. Total cost was about 5 gold with everything. I hope you have more luck than I did. For the jump in the water, there is a point of the cliff where you can jump into deep water without risk, just have beast tracking up and wait that no fish is under your diving point. I drawed the water jump a bit too far on my map, it's on top of the cliff, and there should be no agroing mobs at the point you have to jump. If you follow the cliff and arrive at ennemies, you've gone too far.Don't forget to bring mushrooms or fruits, bats don't like meat!I had the time to test the bat on live action, and I can tell you it's well worth the hassle to get it. Never seen such a fast pet, and mine doesn't even have Dive yet. 1.0 attack speed. Let's hope this won't get nerfed into oblivion ! Bats can spawn at 4 positions around the bridge. You'll want to reset until you get an instance where the bats are just left of the bridge, because they can be pulled with no troll adds.I successfully rode a mount to the water, using Feign Death to avoid the fish, and an invisibility potion to get to the bridge. However the 2-bat spawn was not close enough on the far side of the bridge for me to reach. Okay got him solo happy No potions used. Total cost was 2g for repairing my items on my suicide death to get out grin Here is all I did: I went in instance (logged on my GF's account and started a raid with a level 1). Eagle Eye'd to the bridge to check to bridge to make sure bats were up, driectlty left of bridge. Around the 3rd try they were up Mounted up and and ran to the left, straight to tree, around right side of tree and along edge, jumped off just before the last set of axe throwers. Hit the water and immediately feigned death, waited for fish to swim away a little. Swam across to rock and you can jump out and completely avoid the croc's. Ran up the little mountain there and its clear sailing to the bridge. Quite easy once you get passed the water. Took all of 3 minutes on my successfull run.

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