Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Engineering Guide


You are going to need a lot of bars and stone and some cloth. Create an alt storage character to store these and then farm (or have an alt farm) for the material needed. Use the ingame mail system to send the bars and stone to the storage character. You may need more then one storage character. Don't forget to send some gold to the storage character, so she can send the bars and stone back.

Once you have all the components collected everything has to be send back to your main character. The mailbox only shows the first 50 items you have in the mail. It also puts the last item send to you on top. So to avoid complications send the components you need first last: i.e the rough stone and copper bars are needed first, so these are the last to be send back to your main, after the coarse stones and tin bars, etc.

The recipe's used require vendor bought components such as flux. These cost gold. To learn recipe's from a trainer also costs gold. The amount of gold needed is aproximately 10 gold if you farm all of the material. If you want to buy everything you need from the auction house expect to spend upwards to 125 gold.

Below is a table that shows the amount of bars and stone needed. The minimum amount column shows the minimum amount needed if you would get a skill point every time you make something. However at some point a recipe will be yellow or even green when you make something so you won't allways get a skill point. The estimated amount column deals with this, so try to get the estimated amount of bars and stone on your storage character. If you buy everything from the auction house get the minimum amount and only buy more when needed. This table includes the components needed for becoming gnome or goblin engineer.
Component Minimum Amount Gnome Minimum Amount Goblin Estimated Amount Gnome Estimated Amount Goblin
Copper Bar 69 69 80 80
Bronze Bar 49 55 60 60
Iron Bar 25 55 35 65
Steel Bar 4 4 4 4
Mithril Bar 88 70 98 80
Thorium Bar 165 165 180 180
Silver Bar 10 10 15 15
Gold Bar 5 5 10 10

Rough Stone 30 30 40 40
Coarse Stone 20 20 20 20
Heavy Stone 15 40 20 40
Solid Stone 100 120 120 140
Dense Stone 30 30 40 40

Linen Cloth 10 10 15 15
Wool Cloth 32 30 40 40
Silk Cloth
Mageweave Cloth 10 10 15 15
Runecloth 25 25 30 30

Medium Leather 7 5 10 5
Heavy Leather 8

Jade 1
Citrine 1

Wooden Stock 10 10 10 10
Weak Flux 25 24 30 30
Gnome or Goblin

At some point you probably are going to make a choice between gnome or goblin engineering. It's mainly your preference on what you want to make. I suggest doing some research on it. Once you choose gnome or goblin, you cannot change, even if you completely unlearn it and start at 0 skill. You have to make several engineering items for those paths, so with some planning making those items can be used to get skill points as well. At skill 125 the guide wil split into a gnome and goblin part.
Getting from 1 to 50

Make rough blasting powder until skill 30.

At 30 you can make handfull of copper bolts. you are going to need at least 30 copper bolts in recipe's used to get from 50 to 125 so lets make those. This should get you to 50 comfortably

Once you hit 50 talk to the appropriate trainer to become Journeyman Engineer. You have to be level 10 to become Journeyman Engineer.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 0 to 50.
Skill Yellow Grey Item Components From - To Components Needed
1 20 40 Rough Blasting Powder 1x Rough Stone 1 - 30 (30) 30x Rough Stone
30 45 60 Handful of Copper Bolts 1x Copper Bar 30 - 50 (20) 20x Copper Bar
Getting from 50 to 125

At 50 you can train and then make an arclight spanner. Since you are going to need one in your engineering career, you might as well make one now and get a skill point.

Make copper tubes to get to 65 and use those to make rough boomsticks to get to 75.

Make coarse blasting powder to get to 90. You need 20 to make small bronze bombs later on.

Make copper modulators to get to 95, needed for target dummy's

Make target dummy's to get to 100.

Make silver contacts to get to 110. These are needed to make small bronze bombs. If you want to become a goblin engineer you are going to need 10 silver contacts later on, so set those aside.

Make bronze tubes to get to 120 and small bronze bombs to get to 125. If you have some leftover copper bolts you can use those to make some practice locks instead of bronze tubes. If you want to become a gnome engineer you are going to need one bronze tube to make an accurate scope, so set one aside.

Once you hit 125 talk to the appropriate trainer to become Expert Engineer. You have to be level 20 to become Expert Engineer.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 50 to 125.
Skill Yellow Grey Item Components From - To Components Needed
50 70 90 Arclight Spanner 6x Copper Bar 50 - 51 (1) 6x Copper Bar
50 80 110 Copper Tube 2x Copper Bar,
1x Weak Flux 51 - 65(14) 28x Copper Bar,
14x Weak Flux
50 80 110 Rough Boomstick 1x Copper Tube,
1x Handful of Copper Bolts,
1x Wooden Stock 65 - 75 (10) 10x Copper Tube,
10x Handful of Copper Bolts,
10x Wooden Stock
65 95 125 Copper Modulator 2x Handful of Copper Bolts,
1x Copper Bar,
2x Linen Cloth 90 - 95 (5) 10x Handful of Copper Bolts,
5x Copper Bar,
10x Linen Cloth
75 85 95 Coarse Blasting Powder 1x Coarse Stone 75 - 90 (15) 15x Coarse Stone
85 115 145 Target Dummy 1x Copper Modulator,
2x Handful of Copper Bolts,
1x Bronze Bar,
1x Wool Cloth 115 - 120 (5) 5x Copper Modulator,
10x Handful of Copper Bolts,
5x Bronze Bar,
5x Wool Cloth
90 110 140 Silver Contact (5) 1x Silver Bar 95 - 105 (10) 10x Silver Bar
105 105 155 Bronze Tube 2x Bronze Bar,
1x Weak Flux 105 - 115 (10) 20x Bronze Bar,
10x Weak Flux
120 120 170 Small Bronze Bomb 4x Coarse Blasting Powder,
2x Bronze Bar,
1x Silver Contact,
1x Wool Cloth 120 - 125 (5) 20x Coarse Blasting Powder,
10x Bronze Bar,
5x Silver Contact,
5x Wool Cloth
Getting from 125 to 200

At level 30 and with a engineering skill of 200 you can make a choice to become a gnome or goblin engineer. To become either one you have to show some work to Oglethorpe Obnoticus for gnome engineering or to Nixx Sprocketspring for goblin engineering. Since most of the things you have to make fall within the 125 to 200 skill range, I decided to split the guide here into a gnome version and a goblin version. I'll start with gnome engineering. Scroll down for goblin engineering. If you haven't decided which path to take yet, follow the gnome engineer version.
Gnome Engineering

Make heavy blasting powder to get to 140.

Make whirring bronze gizmos to get to 145.

Make bronze frameworks to get to 150. You need 2 for the gnome engineer quest, to make advanced target dummy's and about 5 to make explosive sheep for skill ups.

Use the heavy blasting powder, whirring bronze gizmo and bronze framework to make explosive sheep to get to 155. Remember to keep 2 bronze frameworks for the gnome engineer quest.

Make gold power core to get to 160. Keep the gold power cores, you need them to make gyrochronatoms.

Make iron struts to get to 170. These are also used to make advanced target dummy's.

Make gyrochronatoms to get to 175. These are used for advanced target dummy's as well.

At 175 you can make the Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor. Since you are going to need one in your engineering career, you may as well make one now and get a skill point. The steel bars needed is made by miners from iron bars and coal.

Make solid blasting powder to get to 195. You need at least 50 solid blasting powder in future recipe's, so make those.

Now make 2 advanced target dummy's, one accurate scope and 6 mithril tubes for the gnome engineering quest. This should get you past 200. If you haven't decided which path to follow, skip the accurate scope and mithril tubes and make advanced target dummys to get to 200.
Goblin Engineering

Make 40 heavy blasting powder which are needed to make big iron bombs and explosive sheeps.

Make 5 whirring bronze gizmos which are needed to make explosive sheep. You should now be at skill 145. Make some more whirring bronze gizmos to get to 145 if you're not.

Make bronze frameworks to get to 150. You need 5 bronze frameworks to make explosive sheep for the goblin engineering quest.

At 150 you can make explosive sheep . You need 5 explosive sheep, so make those.

Make gold power core to get to 160. Keep the gold power cores, you need them to make gyrochronatoms.

Make iron struts to get to 170 and gyrochronatoms to get to 175. Keep these, you may need them later to make advanced target dummy's

At 175 you can make the gyromatic micro-adjustor. Since you are going to need one in your engineering career, you may as well make one now and get a skill point.

Make 10 solid blasting powder which is needed to make solid dynamite.You are also going to need at least 50 solid blasting powder in future recipe's, so make those too.

Make solid dynamite which is needed for the Goblin Engineering quest. You need 20 solid dynamite. The recipe gives 2 solid dynamite each time you make them, so you only need to use the recipe 10 times.

At 190 you can make big iron bombs which are needed for the Goblin Engineering quest. You need 20 big iron bombs. The recipe creates 2 bombs each time, so use the recipe 10 times.

Make advanced target dummy's to get to 200 if you're not there yet.

Once you hit 200 talk to the appropriate trainer to become Artisan Engineer. You have to be level 35 to become Artisan Engineer.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 125 to 200.
Skill Yellow Grey Item Components From - To Components Needed
125 125 145 Heavy Blasting Powder 1x Heavy Stone 125 - 140 (15) 15x Heavy Stone
125 125 175 Whirring Bronze Gizmo 2x Bronze Bar,
1x Wool Cloth 140 - 145 (5) 10x Bronze Bar,
5x Wool Cloth
145 145 190 Bronze Framework 2x Bronze Bar,
1x Medium Leather,
1x Wool Cloth 145 - 150 (5) 10x Bronze Bar,
5x Medium Leather,
5x Wool Cloth
150 150 190 Gold Power Core 1x Gold Bar (creates 3) 155 - 160 (5) 5x Gold Bar
150 175 200 Explosive Sheep (for goblin engineer) 1x Bronze Framework,
1x Whirring Bronze Gizmo,
2x Heavy Blasting Powder,
2x Wool Cloth 150 - 155 (5) 5x Bronze Framework,
5x Whirring Bronze Gizmo,
10x Heavy Blasting Powder,
10x Wool Cloth
160 160 180 Iron Strut 2x Iron Bar 160 - 170 (10) 20x Iron Bar
170 170 210 Gyrochronatom 1x Iron Bar,
1x Gold Power Core 170 - 175 (5) 5x Iron Bar,
5x Gold Power Core
175 175 215 Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor 4x Steel Bar 175 - 176 (1) 4x Steel Bar
175 175 195 Solid Blasting Powder 2x Solid Stone 175 - 195 (20) 40x Solid Stone
175 175 195 Solid Dynamite (for goblin engineer) 1x Solid Blasting Powder,
1x Silk Cloth
(creates 2) 185 - 195 (10) 10x Solid Blasting Powder,
10x Silk Cloth
180 200 220 Accurate Scope (for gnome engineer) 1x Bronze Tube,
1x Jade,
1x Citrine 197 - 198 (1) 1x Bronze Tube,
1x Jade,
1x Citrine
185 185 225 Advanced Target Dummy (for gnome engineer) 1x Iron Strut,
1x Bronze Framework,
1x Gyrochronatom,
4x Heavy Leather 195 - 197 (2/5) 2/5x Iron Strut,
2/5x Bronze Framework,
2/5x Gyrochronatom,
8/20x Heavy Leather
190 190 230 Big Iron Bomb (for goblin engineer) 3x Iron Bar,
3x Heavy Blasting Powder,
1x Silver Contact
(creates 2) 195 - 205 (10) 30x Iron Bar,
30x Heavy Blasting Powder,
10x Silver Contact
195 195 235 Mithril Tube (for gnome engineer) 3x Mithril Bar 198 - 204 (6) 18x Mithril Bar
Getting from 200 to 300

Use the solid blasting powder to make unstable triggers to get to 210 and hi-impact mithril slugs to get to 230.

Make mithril casings and use those with the unstable triggers to make hi-explosive bombs to get to 245.

Make mithril gyro-shot to get to 250.

Make dense blasting powder to get to 260.

Make thorium widgets to get to 285 and thorium tubes to get to 300. Depending on the prices for thorium bar and the thorium shells recipe in the auction house on your server, it may be cheaper to make thorium shells instead of tubes. If you are a gun wielding hunter and have the thorium shells recipe, you can also make thorium shells to get to 300.

Congratulations, you now have 300 skill in engineering.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 200 to 300.
Skill Yellow Grey Item Components From - To Components Needed
200 200 240 Unstable Trigger 1x Mithril Bar,
1x Mageweave Cloth,
1x Solid Blasting Powder 200 - 210 (10) 10x Mithril Bar,
10x Mageweave Cloth,
10x Solid Blasting Powder
210 210 250 Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs (200) 1x Mithril Bar,
1x Solid Blasting Powder 210 - 230 (20) 20x Mithril Bar,
20x Solid Blasting Powder
215 215 255 Mithril Casing 3x Mithril Bar 230 - 240 (10) 30x Mithril Bar
235 235 275 Hi-Explosive Bomb 2x Mithril Casing,
1x Unstable Trigger,
2x Solid Blasting Powder 240 - 245 (5) 10x Mithril Casing,
5x Unstable Trigger,
10x Solid Blasting Powder
245 245 285 Mithril Gyro-Shot (200) 2x Mithril Bar,
2x Solid Blasting Powder 245 - 250 (5) 10x Mithril Bar,
10x Solid Blasting Powder
250 250 260 Dense Blasting Powder 2x Dense Stone 250 - 260 (10) 20x Dense Stone
260 280 300 Thorium Widget (Vendor) 3x Thorium Bar,
1x Runecloth 260 - 285 (25) 75x Thorium Bar,
25x Runecloth
275 295 315 Thorium Tube (Vendor) 6x Thorium Bar 285 - 300 (15) 90x Thorium Bar
285 305 325 Thorium Shells (200) (Drop) 2x Thorium Bar,
1x Dense Blasting Powder 285 - 300 (15) 30x Thorium Bar,
15x Dense Blasting Powder

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