Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Commands Guide

Chat Commands

/chat, /chathelp - List of chat commands
/s - Say (local ambient chat)
/p - Party say (group chat)
/g - Guild say (guild chat)
/y - Yell (broadcast to surrounding area; use sparingly, as this can be construed as spam)
/w or /t - Whisper (or "tell" - conveys a private message to another player)
/r - Replies privately to a whisper you've received.
Party Commands

/invite or /inv - If you are the group leader, this command invites a player to your party. (If the player is close by, click on them, then right click their profile to invite, alternatively.)
/uninvite - Kicks a player from your group (group leader only).
/random or /roll - Randomly generates a number between one and the number specifed (group leader only).
/ffa - Sets the "free for all" loot policy (group leader only).
/master - Sets the player to be "master looter" (group leader only).
/roundrobin - Sets the "round robin" loot policy (group leader only).
Status Commands

/afk, /dnd - Raises your "Away From Keyboard" or "Do Not Disturb" flags
/follow or /f - Auto-follows another player. Be careful using this command in dangerous areas (e.g. lots of aggro, cliffs, etc.).
/sit - Sits your character down. Players regenerate faster when sitting.
/stand - You stand up. Alternatively, just move.
/pvp - Puts your character in Player vs. Player mode, making you vulnerable to attack from other players.
Guild Commands

/ghelp - For a list of guild commands.
/gquit - Removes you from your guild.
/ginvite - Invites a player to join your guild (officers / leaders only).
/o - Sends a message to officer chat (officers / leaders only).
/gpromote - Promotes a player one rank (officers / leaders only).
/gdemote - Demotes a player one rank (officers / leaders only).
/gremove - Removes a player from the guild (officers / leaders only).
/gmotd - Sets the guild message of the day (officers / leaders only).
/groster - Shows the guild roster (officers / leaders only).
/gleader - Allows the current guild leader to grant guild leadership to another player.
/gdisband - Disbands the guild (guild leader only).
Misc Commands

/em - Creates an emote
/played - Reports the amount of time you've played the game with that character.
/who - Lists the players online.
/time - Tells you the official game time. WoW days and nights run on the real-time day / night cycle.
/trade - Invites the targetted player-character to trade with you.
Chat Channel Commands

/#, /c, /csay - Send a message to a certain channel # (E.G. /3 omw!)
/chatlist, /chatwho , /chatinfo - List channels or channel members.
/cinvite , /chatinvite - Invite a player to a channel
/announcements, /ann - Toggle join and leave announcements in a channel
/ban, /unban - Ban or unban a player from a channel (moderator only).
/join , /channel , /chan - Join a channel
/kick - Kick a player from a channel
/leave , /chatleave , /chatexit - Leave a channel (or all channels if unspecified)
/mod, /moderator, /unmod, /unmoderator - Change a player's moderator status
/moderate - Toggle moderation on a channel
/mute, /squelch, /unvoice, /unmute, /unsquelch, /voice - Change a player's permission status. Mute and squelch are the same thing. (moderator only).
/password, /pass - Change the channel's password (moderator only).
Combat Commands

/cast - Use in macros to cast spells and combat abilities. Usage: /cast - ex. "/cast Rend (Rank 3)". Shift-click a spell on your hotbar or spellbook to automatically add the /cast command plus the full spell name to the macro line your typing up.

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